Worldwide tour by hitchhiking and couchsurfing
Name, Surname: Arianna Grosso
Start date of last travel (dd/mm/yyyy): 10/02/2015
End date of last travel (dd/mm/yyyy): –
Age: between 25 and 35
From: Italy
Favorite Quote: “Travelers never think that they are the foreigners” – Mason Cooley
One amazing thing I’ve done: I think that everyday there is something to tell. An amazing thing was go to the hairdresser (in the Canary Islands) without know any words in spanish. I don’t know how I did it..but it was a funny experience 🙂
Who, Where, Why, What, When: I’m Arianna, an italian graphic designer. I started to travel on the 10th of February joining the travel of Paolo Leone (know as Pleone :)). I decided to start this travel because I was bored of sedentary and routine life. I’m a curios person so I need to discover. I do this world tour by hitchhiking and couchsurfing, this is the best way to meet new people and to know new cultures. Meanwhile, the journey began..I don’t think to the end 🙂
Travel habits
Morning or night person? Morning
What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Breakfast
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Between 30 min and 1 hour
Do you ever move by hitchhiking? Sometimes
Do you prefer to travel alone? No
What is your usual accommodation? Couchsurfing or similar
Longest travel? between 1 and 2 years
Describe your computer ability: I’m a web designer
Shoes size (EU size): 37.5
Favorite color: green
One strange thing you’ve got with you: pill to travel